Traditional Business Development
With a general understanding of becoming a COI, we’ll shift gears and look at the key points of cultivating existing COI relationships. As stated above, the first step is to establish yourself as a center of influence. Demonstrating the relationship will go a long way to cultivating new and existing COIs.
Once in place, here are some thoughts about leveraging your centers of influence:
Re-define your COI strategy/Initiate Contact
- Understand the psychology of referrals and the most common myths
- Clarify your vision of the COIs you want to target – your firm’s Ideal COI Profile
- Build your COI pipeline by identifying an initial list of qualified COIs
Qualify for Fit
- Understand the most important piece of information you must learn about your COI
- Refine your COI profiling questions
Showcase Differentiating Value
- Clearly define the value you bring to COIs by refining your COI Value Proposition
- Learn the components of case studies that show how you’re a good fit for the COI
Agree on the Way Forward
- Determine your approach for setting expectations as the COI relationship progresses
Cultivate and Grow Relationships
- Build your COI Engagement Plan and tactics for outreach
- Design your COI Implementation Plan
Implement and Refine Your Plan
- Begin implementing your plan and meeting with prospective COIs
- Review your strategy and your results regularly to determine if your plan on track